APS Power Posse | Teaching Concepts

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From this page, you can obtain three documents that explore some of the key concepts of teaching and learning.
These three documents are available on this page as PDF files. Your computer may already have Adobe Acrobat Reader software installed on it. If so, you can simply click on the name of the document you desire, below. In less than one minute, the information should appear on your screen. You can then print it out, if you desire. Just click on "File" (at the top, left corner of your screen), and then click "print."  To return to the Web site from the document, click on the "Back" button at the upper left corner of your screen.
In "Philosophy of Teaching and Learning," educator Meg Davis discusses scientific thinking and reasoning, and developing these skills in students.
PDF Icon -  Courtesy of Adobe, Inc. Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
(PDF: 32 KB/2 Pages)
"Suggested Instructional Strategies Which May Promote Active Learning For All Students" lists suggested teaching and learning strategies which promote deeper understanding.
PDF Icon -  Courtesy of Adobe, Inc. Suggested Instructional Strategies Which May Promote Active Learning for All Students
(PDF: 36 KB/2 Pages)
"Authentic Contexts" discusses the value of practicing problem-solving and learning skills repeatedly, in authentic problem-solving contexts.
PDF Icon -  Courtesy of Adobe, Inc. Authentic Contexts
(PDF: 30 KB/1 Page)
Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader

If you clicked on one of the names of the papers above and weren’t able to view it, your computer does not have Adobe Acrobat installed on it. You can download this software for free. It will require leaving this APS Web site, and returning to it upon completion of the software download. Depending upon the speed of your connection to the Internet, it could take as long as one hour to download Adobe® Acrobat® to your computer.

Once you have installed Adobe Acrobat Reader software on your computer and have returned to this Web site, you can simply click on the name of the paper of your choice to read or print it. (Once you have downloaded Adobe Acrobat, you will be able to open other PDF documents on this and other Web sites without going through this procedure every time.)

If you have never downloaded a plug-in from a Web site, we have provided directions using two popular browsers: Microsoft® Internet Explorer® and Netscape® Navigator®. If you have another browser, these instructions may be useful in providing general guidance. Click on one of the two options below for downloading instructions.

Dan the Quail
Hootie the Owl


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