APS Power Posse | Classroom Activities

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These activities are meant to be supplemental to existing curriculum you may be using. They are interdisciplinary so that students may begin seeing connections as they are actively engaged in inquiry and decision making.

Activities in the primary grades are intended to raise students' awareness about energy sources, safety and conservation. Hands-on exploration and design are used throughout grade levels.

As we move into upper grade levels, students begin to explore issues in more depth and problems are more complex. Fourth grade activities include a school energy audit and developing an understanding of simple electricity concepts. Fifth grade activities explore historical perspectives, concepts about matter, and the periodic table. Activities in grade six focus on exploring multiple perspectives for decision making in energy use. Students will evaluate the quantity, quality, and future of renewable energy sources. Simulations and games are used to provide more authentic contexts for exploration and problem solving.

Grade level designations are meant to be a general guide. Each activity has been aligned to the most recent Arizona Academic State Standards. Teachers should feel free to adapt lessons to fit the needs of their students.

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Roadie the Roadrunner
Tommy the Turtle


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